EaseUS DriverHandy
All our drivers are certified
EaseUS DriverHandy promises that ALL drivers provided are derived directly from your hardware manufacturers, certificated by Microsoft’s rigorous Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) testing process.
Furthermore, we employ a strict testing process to ensure they’re safe, stable, robust, up-to-date, and compatible with Windows and all the most popular combinations of hardware and software.
Drivers are programs and programs can sometimes be faulty or contain security gaps. These gaps can be exploited by attackers to access your data or make changes to your operating system. Driver Updater scans for weaknesses, identifies outdated or broken drivers, and notifies users as soon as a secure update is available.
Free DownloadEasily improve your PC’s performance. Faulty and old drivers are the top cause of crashes, freezes, and bluescreens. EaseUS DriverHandy finds the latest driver versions for maximum stability with fewer bugs, connection problems, mouse or printer issues.
Free DownloadUpdate graphics drivers to boost performance and enjoy crisper images in games, Virtual Reality, multimedia apps, streaming, and media editing. It ensures stable hardware performance and fixes errors quickly once they occur when you are playing games.
Free DownloadNo sound coming from your speakers? Wi-Fi constantly dropping? Printer suddenly not working? EaseUS DriverHandy eliminates these interruptions.
Free DownloadEaseUS DriverHandy
EaseUS DriverHandy has more than 5000,000 driver packages, which support 1,000,000 kinds of hardware devices including Motherboard, Audio card, Display card, Network card, USB WLAN card, etc. from all brands.
Scan to check all driver problems
Find outdated, missing, corrupted, broken, damaged, and incompatible drivers
Download, Install, & Update Computer Drivers
Download and install best-matched drivers for your Windows OS, hardware and all connected peripheral devices.
One-click repair & fix all driver problems.
EaseUS DriverHandy can quickly scan and find out all the computer drivers that are not working, and then fix & repair them intelligently by providing solutions, such as repair, reboot, backup, reinstall. This is very convenient and saves you a lot of energy & time.
Pre-download drivers
You can pre-download and save drivers for your own computer before system being changed or restored, or download and transfer drivers for another PC to install. This helps you to get drivers under any circumstances, especially when there is no internet connection on a computer.
Update to the latest drivers
Support driver downloads and updates for all hardware devices and manufacturers.
Manually finding a correct driver for a computer hardware or a device is not easy. If there is a professional Windows driver download and update utility, that's a boon.
Backup drivers
Find out the drivers that need to be backed up and backup them in a very short time. All backed-up files are automatically saved in your computer - this can help you restore the deleted/lost drivers from the backup to avoid driver-related issues.
Uninstall drivers
EaseUS DriverHandy is quite professional to uninstall drivers totally and clearly without residual files, which is very helpful for you to install new drivers successfully.
Restore drivers from backup
You can instantly find backup drivers for computer hardware and other devices, especially when the drivers are damaged or missing. This helps to fix driver issues without Internet connection.
EaseUS DriverHandy
EaseUS DriverHandy doesn't create drivers, but helps to find drivers from manufacturers and Microsoft with high-tech. No ads, no pop-ups, no spy, and no virus.
With 10X faster speed to check driver problems, download & install drivers, and update drivers. It's always workable to fix all the driver-related issues on computer.