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Hiding File

This feature is able to make your local private files/folders and local drives completely invisible to anyone or any programs. It is available for Local Disks and External Disks.


Local Disk

Click on Hide File(s), Hide Folder, Hide Drive button to select the file/folder/drive you want to hide. Then they will be added to the hiding list. You can add files as many as you want.

After adding the items, you will see the status (Hidden/Normal) on the hiding list. More options will be available on this same page.


External Disk

Click on Hide File(s), Hide Folder to select the file/folder you want to hide. Then they will be added to the hiding list. You can add files as many as you want. Please note hiding drive is not available for external disks.

When this external drive is connected to another computer, the hidden files on the list will remain invisible on that computer.

After adding the items, you will see their status (Hidden/Normal). Also, you will find other options in the right column.